Rockstar Games is a developer and video game author based in New York city in the USA, had by Take-Two Interactive since the redemption in 1998 of the BMG interactive BMG video clip game publisher. The brand name is mostly recognized for the Grand Theft Vehicle collection, which has taken a significant significance on the planet of video clip games in the 2000s. The business holds other front-runner franchise business that have made its online reputation, consisting of Cans Cane Edit, Max Payne, Midnight Club, Manhunt or the Red Dead collection. Most brand name games take location in open world. Rockstar Games consists of workshops that have been acquired and also renamed, as well as various other inside created. Although a great deal of studios gotten by Take-Two Interactive combined with the Rockstar Games division, numerous various other current studios have maintained their previous identities and also have ended up being an important component of the 2K Gaming division. The Rockstar Games label was established in New York in 1998 by the British video clip game manufacturers SAM HOOPER, Dan House er, Terry Donovan, Jamie King and Gary Supervisor.
The release of GTA Trilogy the team of Rockstar Games is likely to have imagined differently. On Metacritic, fans issued underground ratings for the PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X / S-, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch versions of the game. Our colleague Chris even speaks a buying warning for the switch version, as it is technically a real crime.
For the first time after the catastrophic release Rockstar Games now issued a statement. In this, the team apologizes for the state of Remaster and explains how it should continue in the future.
patches should fix the coarsest of GTA trilogy
What will do Rock star? To resolve the numerous technical defects of the three titles, numerous patches will be published in the future. Thus, GTA Trilogy is to be lifted to the level, which has introduced himself to Rock star for to Remaster of the GTA classics.
With Update 1.02 Rock star already shows which course the future patches will take. The first improvements are now live and fixed already numerous technical problems. For example, inacrificent textures were fixed, infinite holes in the ground of the map, as well as incorrect texts and subtitles corrected.
To the bugs that were fixed, the visual effect of the rain is also included in GTA: San Andreas. The rain is partly so strong that players could not see anything more if it started to rain.
Our opinion on GTA Trilogy beats in the same direction as the opinion of the community:
75 2
more on the subject
GTA: The Trilogy in the test: Loveless Remasters who are not worthy of the masterpieces
Some glitches and bugs that plague GTA Trilogy can be found on Gamer:
GTA Trilogy: In to Remaster it rains so strong that nothing else can be recognized GTA Trilogy: Aberwitzig Glitches make your car giant or invulnerable
Further action for reconciliation
Of course, it will not stay with this patch. There are still some errors in the game that should be eliminated by future updates. However, in the meantime, Rock star offers another action, which, however, does not apply to all the player.
So buyers get the internet of the PC version of GTA Trilogy the GTA originals from then for free. Unfortunately, console players are looking inside into the tube, although the versions are also on a technically poor level.
However, Even if the state of GTA Trilogy has heated many minds, this is still no reason to tackle the developer team in social media. Rock star therefore asks the community to keep a respectful and civilian handling tone.
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