4.1. Update has arrived for mensches, and here is the complete list of changes and corrections added to this patch. In this humankind update, the developers have set everything to balance the military side of the game. In addition to balancing, they have implemented some fixes in both regular game and card editor. Everything is new with Humankind Update 4.1. Humankind Update 4.1 Catholics CHANGES AND ADDITIONS
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Important bug fixes
It has been fixed a problem in which a fixed situation has occurred after clicking on the Show details in the narrator event nuclear GP when rebels conquered a cultural miracle. A problem has been resolved in which a desynchronization can occur under certain conditions after an event (challenge) or status enable notification.
Other bug fixes
Fix a problem that does not update the Redeem action when the event is completed on the reward button. It has been fixed a problem in which the conclusion of Chapter 2 of the Community Challenge remains incomplete after all specified requirements have been met. There has been a problem that has changed the eye colors of Avatars from Patch 3 to Patch 4. A problem has been resolved in which debug text has been displayed for the title of the mod.IO e-mail authentication window. A problem has been resolved, where a typo in the menu description of the Twitch extension was present. Fixed a problem that lists Project Mercury in the Mod Usage section in the Load Save menu.
Card Editor
It has been fixed a problem in which an error occurs when the player tries to pull a mountain over a river. Fixed a problem that has no information provided for the area limit, creating charged cards errors. A problem has been resolved in which the help section is missing in multiple menus.
If there has been a problem that no Tooltip for the Undo / Repeat Tooltip has been displayed.
Fix a problem that highlights the card editor menus when the player presses RMB on the map while an option is selected.
A problem has been resolved in which an unknown UI element in the Card Editor has been displayed next to to undo backing / restore buttons.
A problem has been resolved in which debug text has been displayed in the QUICKEN descriptions of Points of Interest. It has been fixed a problem in which the report There is no continent validation failed a text error.
All in all, this update will make the game more pleasant. Two major problems have been resolved, desynchronization that could occur after a challenge or state-share notification, and stopping after clicking the Show Details button at the Nuclear Specter event. These changes may appear small, but the players will look forward to it.
Humanity is now available for PC and Google Stadia. For more information about this update, see the official Humankind Twitter page.
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