The characters of League of Legends are called champions from the same moment in which the title was released. A term with which Riot Games increase the efforts he was already making to unmarked from the competition and that was justified by attending the Lore of the game, but that he stopped making sense after the great reconstruction that history suffered over recent years. However, it is normal for the question: beyond marketing, How was the name justified in history?
The origin of the League of Legends champions
In the original Lore of the game, a series of fields of justice were created (such as the crack of the invoked or the abyss of laments) in which many of the political and military conflicts of value were resolved (Continent of Nexus, Record and Sonia). This decision had been taken to avoid the destruction that had caused the latest conflicts in the region, which had even altered the geography of the area. In this way, the battles would be resolved in a much more ordered and without causing large hazards to the location.
Those responsible for these battles were the invokes (players), who could take control of some existing personalities in their universe to fight with them in these battle zones. In this way, League of Legends acquired the name of champions. Probably, because it is a term used historically to refer to people who fight on behalf of others. In fact, you will have been used in many fictions of medieval cut as a Game of Thrones in its famous combat judgments.
The concept stopped making sense when Riot Games decided to eliminate all the elements of the old Lore of League of Legends to restart him. However, By then the game already had an important popularity and was not going to eliminate the sum maker term to refer to the players or the champion for the characters. In this way and although many of the members of the community had not even discovered the title by then, the terminology settled indefinitely.
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